Dear "Wife with a Purpose," Let's Find You a New One


I read this satirical letter “Mormon “Rap” and the Destruction of White, Western, Mormon Culture,” (which can be found here). It would have been hilarious, except for the fact that it wasn't actually satire. And it wasn't hilarious at all. It was horrifying.

The opinions expressed belonged to a woman who believes black culture is destroying Mormon culture. She also threw in something about how Beyonce has somehow managed to personally victimize her.

Not only did she discriminate against the entire black community, she personally pictured and mentioned my own friends, prominent black members of the Mormon community.

My dear sister, while I could take apart your article one letter at a time, I will refrain.

While I could highlight each sentence laced with loveless ignorance, I will refrain.

Instead may I point you to the man you claim to know: Jesus.

Do you remember when he healed the Lepers?

In the New Testament, we read how Jesus showed kindness to people who were sick. While the rotting flesh repulsed most people who came near them, Jesus touched them. He healed them. He loved them.

And no, Sister.

I do not mean to compare my black friends, even one of my best male friends, who you pictured above your article referring to their culture as “thug and ghetto,” to Lepers.

I mean to compare leprosy to the contagious disease that has fallen on your heart.

Racism is a disease. Hatred is a disease. And these diseases have infected your words.

So rather than hate you, further sparking these flames of hatred, I must try to follow in His footsteps.

So whoever you are, I want to apologize to you.

I want to apologize in behalf of whoever let you down, because someone must have.

Whether it was our educational system, your parents, a church leader, or your own perception of your body, I am sorry for the people who have taught you it is okay to hate.

It was someone’s responsibility to show you better love, and they failed.

But as we are all spirit brothers and sisters, you are my responsibility too.

It is my responsibility to love you. But it is also my responsibility to try to teach you.

So may “I Remind you that no man who makes disparaging remarks concerning those of another race can consider himself a true disciple of Christ. Nor can he consider himself to be in harmony with the teachings of the Church of Christ” says Gordon B. Hinckley.

With that being said, there is one thing you certainly were right about: If you want to see the future of Mormonism, look no further than the rapper James the Mormon.

May the future of Mormonism be filled with equality, acceptance, and wicked talent.

May the future of Mormonism be a church filled with all God’s children, regardless of color, politics, or creative expression.

May we show the world we have come farther from our historical failures.

And may you find a new purpose filled with deeper love.

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